For the first couple weeks of his life, I took a ton of photos and then totally slowed down. Ira is a really darling baby, but he wants to be held all the time and his cry is really something. As a family, we've prioritized me getting enough sleep. And then there's just a lot of kids in the house right now! Conor and I are hustling and I think everyone is getting what they need. I don't like to think about when paternity leave ends.

I'm pretty happy with how these photos turned out. I'm far from a pro but I do enjoy taking photos of my baby!

My Maeve. Such a ham.

Oh, I can't believe how much he's changed already!! Here are some snap shots of my little man over his first 2 weeks.

My baby boy has big, wide eyes and he's so alert. He looks like he's taking it all in and he loves to look at faces. Interestingly, the name Ira means "watchful," which I didn't pay much mind to, however, now that he's here and such a watchful observer of all that's happening around him, his name suits him even more! I love those big eyes!

My sister-in-law, Liz, made this quilt for Ira. Conor's mom called him her sunshine and light baby and because Ira is our 4th (bio) baby and a boy, Liz made a quilt that reminded her of Conor as a wee one. It's such a sweet quilt and sure to be treasured!

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