Play hard, sleep hard!

On the second day in Leavenworth... we swam, played at a playground, ate lunch, hikes (or walked, whatever) and drove home.

At the end of February, we went to Leavenworth for one night. Earlier in the month, we (I) had a big emotional melt down. I frequently feel like I've bit off more than I can chew, but everything kind of crashed in on me. So off we went, just the 5 of us, to relax and regroup and bond. It was such a chill trip. We stayed in a super family friendly hotel (with a pool! That was at the top of our priority list!) and we went for walks (hikes??) and played and ate. We were tourists and went to a nutcracker museum and ate gingerbread cookies. We had such a nice time! It was a reset that I really needed.

A new favorite spot in our house is the exersaucer. Maeve can't resist climbing in herself! It's kind of like the baby's control center. She can watch what we're up to and everyone checks in with her and plays with her while she's in there!

Such an easy thing to do for my sensory seeking little gal. She loves it, her sisters love it. We're all winners.

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