One night when our little darling was exhausted. It was adorable. She was very sleepily bringing her hands up to her mouth. Nothing was waking this kiddo up!

These two. They were turning into little buddies, playmates. It was pretty special to watch their relationship transition into something a little more fun and interactive as baby girl grew!

For the last three weeks, we've held church at home. It's been a pretty special experience and sometimes fairly rowdy. I'm so grateful I have the resources and the ability to continue to teach my children and to learn. There's something so sacred about our home being a place of worship.

Covid-19 has me feeling stressed and anxious. Fortunately Conor has an extra long weekend so that we can figure out what we need to do and just be together. I have all sorts of feelings ranging from disappointment to anger about how government has handled this (I'm looking at you, Mr Trump). I'm grateful that church has been canceled as well as everything else in our lives. And I'm nervous about getting through the next 2-24 months.

This afternoon, we packed the babies up and went on a hike and it was exactly what I needed. Just to be outside, unplugged from my phone and the news. I'm so grateful that we can at the very least, go outside every day.

All in all, Conor and I are very fortunate. Conor works from home, and I already homeschool my daughters. The disruption to our lives and routines is so much less than what it will be to other families.

A Sunday stroll with all my beauties. Everytime we go for a walk, Conor and I ask each other, why don't we do this more??? Well, thanks to covid-19, walks are going to become a top form of entertainment!

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