Here’s everything tagged
Our Easter tradition is to put together a Scavenger Hunt for our girls and at the end they find a little parcel of prizes. We keep it small; this year's treats included candy and a t-shirt. Maeve had a little less candy and some Sesame Street figurines in her basket. Our girls are so thrilled by this tradition and you can see it in their smiles. It's fun!
This was a fun two-step art project. First we covered a piece of cardstock completely with crayon. Then we painted over it with india ink mixed with a bit of dish soap. After that dried, we scratched our designs with nails.
A happy little moment of my darlings reading together.
I made Maeve a lamb bonnet, which she felt was not good enough when I gave Holly and Greta $1 bunny ears from Target. So... will be picking up a third set of bunny ears later this weekend! For a little group shot, Holly wore the lamb bonnet because Maeve was not going to give up "her" bunny ears. Oh to be 2 years old. This cute lil trio, such a great gang of sisters... most of the time.
And an outtake... #reallife
Such an awesome big sister! These three went to see if some neighborhood friends could play. This was a pretty safe and easy way to transport Maeve.