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on March 04, 2018 in Ecuador, Cuenca, Sisters, Holly Antoinette, Greta the Great, and Maeve Alberta
Sisters in the Pantry
Almost daily, I find all my daughters hanging out in the pantry. I'm not entirely sure what is so amazing about this room, but it seems to lure them in. Maeve is constantly getting in there to chew on whatever she can find and when Holly and Greta are in the pantry, Maeve will throw a big stink to be included. Maybe it's the microwave? We haven't had one in our home for over 5 years so I think it seems to be magical to my daughters, Holly especially. Holly has heated up countless mugs of water and the girls like to make "carrot cake" by slicing carrots and microwaving them. It's hilarious! I couldn't help but capture a few pictures of my three girls all hanging out. It's really sweet to watch their sisterhood grow.
If someone is brushing their teeth within view of Maeve, she has to have a toothbrush herself! The other day, I found her sitting on the couch with Greta giving Greta's teeth a brush and occasionally her own. I had a good laugh about that. Maeve is developing a stronger sense of self right now. And we totally indulge her!
Three girls. It's the best. These sisters... I love watching them interact.
on April 30, 2017 in Sisters, Holly Antoinette, Greta the Great, and Maeve Alberta
Sunday Sisters, continued
These three girls. It's all bliss with Maeve. Everything she does is adorable, even her blow outs. Maeve took some big girl baths this week and we all adored it. Holly and Greta love their sister so much! And Maeve feels similarly. She loves smiling and laughing at her sisters. This past week, I brought out all our baby board books. Holly and Greta have loved reading the books to Maeve. Maeve will be so well read! It's so great to have such a small person bring so much big love into our home.
Just a bunch of sister pictures. I can't believe I have three girlfriends! It's so weird to refer to Greta as my middle child still.