Part 2 of our vacation! Maeve is extremely comfortable in the water and this summer she decided she wants to be a lifeguard when she grows up. Enoch has been a little shy in the water but playing all week in a lake he significantly warmed up and became much more comfortable. Actually both boys became comfortable to the point that we had to keep a very close watch on them!

We spent a gorgeous week at a new-to-us lake, Waitts. At only an hour drive from our home it was nothing short of perfect. We lucked out in that the week we went was super hot and as predicted was followed by wildfires. Fortunately, almost all of our days were clear skied and smoke free. I loved, loved watching my kids spend time in the water. I grew up going to Shuswap Lake every summer and so no summer is complete without lake time for me!

After Maeve spent time with my mom and her cousin, Theia, at kidcation in Yahk, BC, my mom and Theia dropped Maeve off at our house and stayed the night. I love that my girls have been lucky enough to have kidcations with my parents. Maeve was sure to inform me that she only missed Sonny.

We took the boys on their first camping trip and our first family camping trip since Summer 2020. Ya, it's been a minute. Camping with two little ones is really daunting, but I'm pleased to share the boys did really well! They slept great, which is kind of what matters most. No one was hurt by the evening fire. They liked the water. And obviously our older kids were super pleased to be outside camping - they love it! Priest Lake is so gorgeous and it's such a gem. I got lucky and snagged a campsite cancellation. Just wondering, what are our thoughts on saving beach space with 10x10 tents? Is that rude, entitled or totally okay? I'm mixed. The beach was basically a wall of reserved space. We just set up a little bit in front of a couple beach spots. Here's the kicker for me, only about half the beach set-ups were occupied on Saturday. So is that fair? Does it matter? I dunno! Just some thoughts and questions.

Our second day swimming was interesting. The boys were hanging off of me (see last pic) and Enoch surprisingly fell asleep on my lap for a good hour. In just a few days we discovered those yucky feelings were the beginnings of Hand Foot Mouth Disease. SO... that makes sense. Still, I'm calling this camping trip a win!

My eldest child is 14 years old! !!!! From my perspective, this past year was an amazing one for Holly. She really found her stride in school and sports. She loved her cross country skiing season and then jump with both feet into Mountain Biking and that's become the thing she's most passionate about. It's been so fun to watch her bloom and choose some paths. Holly is a great kid and we're lucky to have her.

For Holly's birthday, she hung with friends and went mountain biking. Her dessert request was "Worms and Dirt," which is so incredibly a Holly dessert in my mind. That and Texas Sheet Cake.

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