Poor Maeve, she crashed on the couch yesterday. Which honestly, was so nice for me! The little sweetie has been feeling rotten for the past week and I'm so ready for her to feel better! I'm sure she is too!

Sunday photos live on! Gosh, I love this little baby so much!

Halloween! My kids ate so much candy along with all their peers. On Halloween evening, Maeve refused to eat dinner, but still ate candy. She was a wreck the next morning! Oh well!

This year for Halloween, we had Hermione, Moaning Myrtle, Sofia the First and a Pumpkin.

I took these photos back at the beginning of October with a tripod in our living room. When I took the photos off my camera, I had a laugh at how many funny faces Holly had made. Little stinker! Jokes on her though, I still got what I wanted.

A yearly tradition that I'd like to find more enthusiasm for!

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