A photo of my girls with their good friend Santi. He only lived a few blocks from us and the kids spent a lot of time together. I hope they are forever friends!

Here are some photos of Maeve with our friends' energetic dog Pamphila. Pamphila and Maeve developed quite the love/hate relationship. Maeve so wanted Pamphila, but Pamphila would jump up and hurt Maeve. Oh gosh. At the airport, Claudia gave Maeve a stuffed pug that looks exactly like Pamphila. So, so cute! And Maeve likes to pretend to be a puppy and we call her Pamphila and tell her, "down, down."

I am so grateful for the wonderful friendships we made in Oaxaca!

We went to the children's museum (Museo Infantil de Oaxaca) one afternoon and the girls painted and made collages. As I said before this building is beautiful and this time I remembered to take some photos. I loved seeing Maeve paint her little circles until everything was mud. Holly and Greta took their pieces of art so seriously and really enjoyed themselves. This is such a treasure in the city.

Our third stop in Etla San Augustin was a paper factory. It was really neat to watch the men making it. They had the technique down, it was a smooth movement. I was really impressed with the consistency. I wish I could've figured out how to do a workshop or something while we were here, but alas, we were only observers.

Right besides the building that housed the photography exhibit is an old textile factory that has so much potential and is referred to as the Cultural Center but it seems to contain very little culture. It really could be something amazing! Nevertheless, my daughters had the best time playing hide and seek and tag and variations of those two games. In the upstairs level, there was an exercise class. And the windows had these amazing cut outs pasted to them. It was gorgeous!

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