It took us three tries to visit this museum! Talk about lost in translation. Tours are at specific times and the website we found for the museum is not very helpful at all. It's a beautiful building right in old town. The architecture of these old homes is amazing!

Did this house live up to trying to visit three times? Well, it was free. But, I couldn't understand anything the tour guide said. It was all in very rapid Spanish! Regardless, the house was beautiful and the tour was less than 30 minutes.

I can't say I loved everything about our apartment in Quito. It wasn't very clean, the kitchen was sparsely equipped (for example, when we arrived there were only 3 forks), and the curtains were pretty much sheer (Conor made a make-shift curtain out of garbage bags in the middle of one night - that's true love!). 

However, our location was ideal. For one we made friends with our neighbors. We were a short walk to our Spanish school and our chapel. We were close to parks, museums, and old town. One thing we loved about that apartment was that because it was on a busy street, we walked into the busy-ness of the city as soon as we walked out our door. So many people, so many things to buy and see! I loved that energy.

One location we were close to was old town. There were always a lot of police in old town and a lot of people! Old men smoking cigarettes and playing cards. All the benches full of people. It was a fun place to eat chocolate and people watch. But do not buy anything from any of the stores. They are 100% overpriced. Go to the market instead.

In old town Quito, we came across a most amazing art exhibit. The art, split into 4 sections, portrayed the indigenous people over the last century. It was beautiful and moving. "Hard working" is the theme throughout it all. I loved, loved this exhibit. In fact, when we first discovered it, we were only able to view the first section before it closed for the night. Naturally we had to return at a later day.

Also that baby of mine scooting on her bottom down a perfectly lit hallway. 

We were so blessed to have found the best person to care for Maeve 2 hours a day for the last two weeks. Ariel was Maeve's niñera, and Maeve loved her! Maeve would come home with lipstick on her neck and in her hair from all the love she received. Maeve would give Ariel hugs when she said goodbye, something that she only does for her immediate family. 

For me, it was a huge blessing to so quickly find someone to help care for Maeve while I was at Spanish school and Conor worked. I completely trusted Ariel from the beginning and never worried about her once. Maeve likely ate more sugar than I would care for her to (babies and sugar seems to be cultural! No one would ever feed my baby a marshmallow in the USA to start, but it would absolutely not happen without shamefully asking the mother first!), but I knew that she was safe and loved. I thank God for putting Ariel and her family so quickly in our path. The entire family became so dear to us during our 2 weeks in Quito!

P.S. I think Maeve is closer to walking thanks to Ariel! Maeve's still quite the late bloomer, but maybe in the next month or so, she'll decide walking is for her!

On Greta's birthday, we met some friends at Greta's favorite park and played. This meant that I got more than 3 hours of Spanish practice! Oh gosh, the language is difficult. Slugging through though! When the afternoon became dark, we walked to our local chapel where the women were making ceviche. Oh my goodness so delicious! Or as they would say in Ecuador, "bien rico" (pretty delicious!). I was surprised when a lady walked around with a grocery bag filled with salted popcorn mixed with plantain chips. That is a topping for the soup and it was so good! I'm so grateful Trader Joe's sells plantain chips back home. 

Now that we are in an apartment with a decent kitchen and for a longer stay, we plan on cooking Ecuadorian food. Hoping to share some photos of what we make! Do I dare make chicken stock out of chicken feet like the locals?!

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