Our apartment overlooks the Rio Tomebamba. It's beautiful to walk along the river. What is it about bodies of water that is so peaceful? 

Like just about every child in the world, my daughters love to throw rocks into water. We happily did that one afternoon. One thing I love about being here for an extended period of time instead of a 2 week vacation, is that we have time to sit on the side of the river and throw rocks. We aren't stressed to pack everything into a small amount of time. It's really great!

Our last Saturday in Quito...

Funny how I was so overwhelmed and crying when we arrived, but leaving was SO hard. We loved the people we met. We hope to make similar connections here in Cuenca.

Our last Saturday, we went to a park with our friends. It was wonderful and chill. Then we went and ate comida rapido (fast food), which may have made Conor sick... It was that or tap water. 

Our last Saturday in Quito, we went to our friend's for lunch and it was AMAZING! The lunch was soup with fish, yuca and fresh tomatoes, jalapenos and onions. Just like the ceviche at the church, the soup was topped with popcorn and plantain chips. It was so good. I did not want to stop eating! We were also served naranjilla juice and a fruit that only grows in Ecuador and is only available for one month of the year. It's called Sapote and it's very different from any other fruit I've ever eaten.

Holly and Greta got to have a soap fight and a water fight with their friend, followed by a warm shower.

We were so incredibly blessed by the hospitality of this family! They had actually invited us for lunch the Saturday previous and we feel so bad that we didn't fully understand!

Last weekend, we went to Oswaldo Guayasimin's Capilla de Hombre (Chapel of Men) and Casa Museo (a museum of his home) and it was incredible! I'm at my happiest in an art museum, so this was a real treat. We were lucky to have tours of both places in english. Guaysimin really painted from the heart and was highly influenced by the politics. His Capilla de Hombre was an incredible building with massive pieces of art. If you are ever in Quito, this is a must in my opinion. I plan on going back again at the end of our trip to see it all one more time and purchase some art.

Here are some photos of Guayasimin's home. It took over a decade to built and he built it with the intention of it becoming a museum one day. The whole building felt very thoughtful and was filled with light. I wouldn't say no to living here!

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