A joy of homeschooling... taking the morning off to go see the eagles at Couer D'Alene lake. 

We loved being outside on this chilly morning watching these magnificent birds. 

I was so happy when it finally snowed! And now it's pretty much all gone. But, we got out there and enjoyed it. I wish it was still a winter wonderland. We only have just over a month left to enjoy winter before we travel to an eternal spring time in Ecuador! So bring on the snow!

Maeve's hair is starting to really grow in. I put it in pigtails recently. They're pretty sparse still, but oh so cute! 

For Maeve's birthday, I baked some cake and we invited some friends that love her best to share it with us. Maeve wasn't super into the cake, but she did enjoy picking the sprinkles off and rubbing the frosting on her thighs. Oh, babies and cake!

On with tradition! I make my girls a birthday dress every year. So of course, Maeve received her first one. These birthday dresses are the only dresses I save just for each daughter. I was down to the last minute on Maeve's, seriously finishing it the night before her birthday! Not my usual style, but life is borderline crazy right now. So you get what you get! I wanted a dress that we could take to Ecuador with us and this one fits the bill. I'm sure in future years I'll make her more winter-y dresses but this is what she gets this year! I like how it turned out and overall, it was an easy pattern. 

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