Summer is over and it's so sad! My family had the busiest summer yet and we had a lot of fun! I'm sorry to see it go... and at the same time, I'm ready for cooler days and routine and having a cleaner house and spending a few months nesting and getting ready for baby girl. 

Holly is in second grade this year. So far, so good. The only adjustment I've noticed is a little extra sass :). Greta started kindergarten this year and is breaking my heart. I had a good sob the night before her first day. It just seems so unfair to hand them off. Some days, home schooling sounds so appealing. I want my darlings here with me! Greta is doing well. She's a smarty pants and a perfectionist so I'm sure she'll excel. 

I'm looking forward to next summer, which is shaping up to be pretty packed already! The only thing that I am not looking forward to is my baby getting bigger and older! Why does time move so fast??

Oomph.. this belly is getting bigger! Baby GIRL is too and sometimes it feels like she's stomping around in there. Most of the time, I'm pretty happy in this pregnancy. I have more than 2 weeks left of my second trimester and I'm a little nervous for what the third trimester will bring. When bemoaning how difficult crossfit feels to Conor last week, he was pretty honest in telling me that it's just gonna get harder. I'm determined not to stop though, I'll just have to eat my pride and modify more. 

We're all getting pretty excited to meet this sister. We can't decide on a name and by we I mean me. I'm unable to commit to anything at this time! I'm sure she'll have a name... and honestly it's just the first name I can't commit to. I have committed to a middle name. 

I'm sorry summer is coming to a close, however, I'm ready to nest and tackle some projects before December!

This summer has already been very full and wonderful. But to make things even sweeter and even more memorable, we had baby squirrels for three days and to be honest, I wish we still had them. I miss them.

Long story short, we cut down a dying mountain ash tree in our front yard. It was in rough shape. We didn't know that it housed a squirrel nest and that we would render two baby squirrels homeless. I would've waited to cut down the tree! We tried to return them to their distressed momma a few times, but the neighborhood cats were quite interested in eating them. 

We cared for them for three days. We fed them pedialyte and puppy formula with an eye dropper and syringes. We kept them warm with a heating pad and a hot water bottle and each one of us totally fell in love with those little rodents including animal neutral (often disliker) me. In the end we took them to a licensed rehabber. She told us that we had done a good job and if I had realized that I would've kept them another week! But I was losing sleep worrying about them. I couldn't stand the idea of us taking improper care of them and them dying. I know, I know. Circle of life. But not on my watch! We're hoping to go visit them in Northeast Washington in a couple weeks. It's crazy how quick they'll grow!

Here's a whole bunch of pictures! The boy was named, "Nappy" and the girl we called, "Squeaker." They were darling. My favorite was seeing the way they cuddled up to each other and in the folds of the fabric. I also loved that they started to root around on our hands when it was time to feed them. I liked how they'd lay on their backs all warm and cozy and milk drunk after we fed them. They were so sweet. Good thing we have a human baby coming soon. But if there were ever a time we'd get a puppy, this past weekend was it!

I'll be buying a squirrel ornament for Christmas this week and I ordered squirrel fabric to make a dress for Holly. We have squirrel fever!

July has been a super busy month for us! I'm way behind on sorting and editing all our pictures. Working on it! This weekend we went camping at Priest Lake for one night. It was so much fun! No one wanted to leave. The girls really wanted to go camping and this was pretty much the only weekend to do it. We were really lucky to book a campsite that was right on the water last minute. It was the best. Extra bonus what the 7-week old puppy at the beach. Holly and Greta were in heaven! These sweet family memories are what make life so beautiful!

Something I'm trying to do... snapping some Sunday photos before church. Seems to help me make sure we're ready on time and because I'm taking fewer photos lately, there's at least these. Plus, our family will be changing soon!

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