It's been HOT in Spokane. We went to Liberty Lake with a picnic dinner the other night to cool off and have some fun. It's only a 25-30 min drive from where we live and it was lots of fun! Summer time is the best!

Eggs Benedict breakfast in bed, no dishes, favorite candy, favorite dinner and endless adoration from three girls who love him!

I'm really grateful I get the ride the roller coaster of parenthood with Conor. He's such a great dad, always the fun parent. I love building a family with him!

Holly worked really hard in first grade and I'm super proud of how much she grew and learned this year! She's a great reader, she loves science and math is kind of her jam. Her school has an amazing music teacher and Holly loved it! Holly makes friends with everyone on the playground. She's a joy to be around! Holly lost something like 6 teeth during first grade (8 total in 10 months!) so her smile changed so much! Her two front teeth used to be a lot more gappy, but now they're less so. We're really excited for summer break! I loved not having to be up and out the door this morning. We're looking forward to some fun.

Holy smokes! I just compared Holly's first day with her last day and she has really changed! It's not fair! Make time stop!

Greta had her little preschool graduation ceremony this past week. She loved going to preschool this year! I hope she likes kindergarten just as much. She's a smart kid, so I know she'll do well. She won the "reading rockstar" award! Holly's almost done school and then we can get into summertime! I'm really looking forward to a change of pace and some fun.

We just wrapped up spring soccer this month and it was lots of fun! I liked going to the Saturday games and seeing so many other families I knew. Holly missed soccer so much that she wore her jersey the Saturday after her last game. Many thanks to Conor's parents for handling the last two weeks of soccer while we were in France!

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