Spoiler alert: Maeve is going to be Elsa for Halloween! I scored a second hand costume and high heels (!) for 5$. Maeve loves the dress, but what she really loves is the high heels. Her guardian angel must've ensured I'd find a pair in her size. She has worn them constantly for the last 3 days. Major mom win!

And that serious Elsa face, haha! Maeve is the best.

E's new favorite book is a lift the flap farm animal book. He's learned to make a few animal sounds and I read the first three pages of this book constantly. He's so cute "ehing" as he pushes the book into my hands. We've had the book for a couple weeks and it's already looking well loved. I love this little guy.

This year's fall is a real show stopper! It's been gorgeous so far and I'm not complaining! We're doing lots of fall activities one of which was visiting Greenbluff to pick apples and pumpkins. I love picking up squash, etc too. And maybe we got a few sweet treats too. I feel bad E wasn't with us - he was at home napping. We picked Holly up on her early release day which coincided with a day that Greta had off school. We made sure to pick out a pumpkin for E. It's easier to tote along one baby rather than two, but I really missed him and I miss having him in the pictures. (I swear I'm a good mom!)

Our little guy is 7 months old! Wow, lots happened this last month. Ira stopped sleeping through the night and we've had a few rough ones. I'm trying to just accommodate him and his needs. He's goes to bed around 8pm (rough estimate) and then I wake him up to feed him right before I go to sleep. He'll wake up one more time in the early morning to eat. Fortunately, Ira is so good at going to sleep! I just lay him in his bed and walk away... that's it! He goes right back to sleep after his night feeds too. I've tried in earnest to feed Ira solids. But he's just really not into it. He really doesn't like being spoon fed. He'll tolerate feeding himself though. Toast was a big breakthrough for him. But he still grabs at everything! No plate is safe if it's within arm's reach or often, when we think it's not within arms reach, it's still not safe. Ira is a lunger! Ira became truly mobile in the last few days. He can pull himself forward and kind of looks like he's worming along. In just a couple days, his speed and efficiency rapidly increased! He's getting into everything! It's so exciting and fun and a bit alarming. It's gonna be a whole new world with two babies moving around! Speaking of babies, Ira is beginning to think E is funny entertainment. It's pretty cute to see Ira belly laughing at his bro. Ira is a very loved baby.

A slow duple morning for the win.

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