Ira had 2 costumes this year, one of which was this tiger costume. E wore it for his first Halloween, so obviously, I just had to put Ira in it. It was pretty funny to watch him wrestle with the hood. His cheeks look so round and yummy!

When E realized he could sit in the box, he was thrilled!

Greta qualified for the All-City Cross Country Meet. I'm so proud of her and she did great! Ultimately she came in 8th (!) and ran a mile in 6:58, which is totally unbelievable. And the best part, check out the photos. Greta is smiling and enjoying herself. She ran with one of her friends and I really couldn't have been more pleased with the whole thing.

Afterwards, we checked out an ice cream diner place together. It was a great day!

When your sister does your hair...

It's a Halloween miracle, I made Maeve a Halloween dress! Fortunately, I believe it will fit her next year so I'm not hurting over finishing it with only 2 weeks left until Halloween.

Next up... Christmas ornaments, stockings and Maeve's birthday dress.

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