It's so fun to be part of a family! I love my big girl helpers.

I really like Thanksgiving. I love the extra long weekend and the yummy food. For the last three Thanksgivings, Conor's parents have come to visit us and we really missed them this year! But, we made the best of our quiet time together as a family and it was amazing. We worked together and we played together. We had a family movie night (our girls' favorite activity!). Conor and I went for walks and worked out together. Holly led a Thanksgiving craft and everyone pitched in when it came to prepping for dinner. Gosh, I love my family!

Surprise! Greta's rabbit, Cosmo, actually a boy and that became 100% evident when Holly's rabbit, Kit, gave birth to 6 babies on a chilly Thursday morning! Holly went to due her daily check on Kit right when Kit was in the middle of birthing her babies. Obviously, we were completely unprepared, we had no idea Kit was pregnant. So no nesting box, nothing. We brought the 4 babies who were still living until our friends brought a nesting box, but unfortunately, they all died by early afternoon. It's not uncommon for the first litter to die, but it was still really, really sad. Poor Kit. We had to find a new home for Cosmo, which was heartbreaking for Greta, but absolutely necessary for my sanity. We want to get Greta a new bunny in the spring, either from someone else, or we may breed Kit once and keep a doe from the litter. Oh the drama! We survived.

He's just so dang cute and loveable. Also, these overalls!

Snuggles with a baby, hot baths, naps on the couch, outdoor time, chocolate, belly laughs... these are a few of my favorite things! Babies are a gift.

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