I just so happened to be in Calgary on a Glenbow Museum free night and there was a Christian Dior exhibit. It was pretty amazing. I went with my Mom and my sister, Kim, and left wishing I could find more time to sew! It was very inspiring. The clothes were just so beautiful and thoughtful. Really something else!

Everytime we are in Calgary, we always, always try to go see my Gramma. My girls love to visit her and are always so disappointed when it's time to leave. My Gramma is an expert at loving people and my girls for sure feel that love. Maeve's farewell hug to Great-Gramma was adorable - she wrapped her arms so tightly around Gramma's legs and gave a big squeeze. We love you Gramma!

We managed to sneak in an afternoon hike in Kananaskis Country with Conor's sisters and their families. It was a gorgeous day and so fun to be outside in the mountains. Holly stayed in Calgary with my parents because her knee hurt and she had her own kind of awesome day with them. The kids all hike so well together. At our halfway mark, we stopped for snacks and the kids built fires unsupervised. This was totally childhood unplugged. It was pretty dreamy.

A cute little snapshot of Maeve with her Gramps.

We went to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump with my Mom and Sisters. I remember going there when I was little and I must have really enjoyed it because I've wanted to go again for as long as I can remember. It was really fun to take my girls and learn about Alberta history. The building itself is so neat. It's built into the cliff and blends right in. The exhibit was awesome and the staff were so inviting and friendly. It was so cool!

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