While in Calgary, it was very important to me to make a stop at the Calgary Zoo. We went with our Larsen cousins (and some of their cousins!) and had a fantastic time! One highlight was seeing Panda Bears! So amazing! 

One of the biggest cousins with the littlest. Maeve gets so incredibly loved on by all her cousins!

Over spring break, we went to Calgary. Conor was already in Calgary when I drove up with the girls. I had enough nerves about driving up on my own and they woke me up at 4:30am. So needless to say, we got a very early start! We were all very excited to see Conor's Dad, Jim, who spent a total of 45 days in the hospital. We visited him on Day 44. Holly and Greta watched a countless number of movies with Jim throughout the week. It was pretty cute. And they went on many walks to the mailbox with him too. One morning, Greta helped keep track of Jim's reps for his physio. It's the little things.

Some quick pics of my kiddos with their cousins, Theia and Archer. Family is the best!

My girls go to a local public school geared towards homeschool families twice a week for 4 classes. When we came home from Mexico, we signed Holly up for the basketball team. I love things that are free and convenient and enjoyable to my kiddos. Holly is an all-in kind of person so for the season she was living and breathing basketball. It was so cute and fun to go to her season end game, although I made a Momma Oops and totally messed up the date! But I got there as soon as I could! I love Holly's enthusiasm and joy! Plus, look at what an awesome big sister she is!

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