I made Maeve a lamb bonnet, which she felt was not good enough when I gave Holly and Greta $1 bunny ears from Target. So... will be picking up a third set of bunny ears later this weekend! For a little group shot, Holly wore the lamb bonnet because Maeve was not going to give up "her" bunny ears. Oh to be 2 years old. This cute lil trio, such a great gang of sisters... most of the time.

And an outtake... #reallife

Such an awesome big sister! These three went to see if some neighborhood friends could play. This was a pretty safe and easy way to transport Maeve.

One of our family's favorite activities is riding bikes. Maeve is so much happier when she gets outside each day, especially if it's on the bike. When we ride fast downhill, she holds on, leans forward and yells, "weeee!" If I slow down, she tells me, "come on!"

10 girls, 3 dozen eggs, 2 parents. Lots of fun? I had a moment, why are activities with kids often so messy? Fortunately everyone had fun and the mess was a pretty quick clean up. Gotta dye those eggs!

My sister, Alanna, went to the temple for her endowments while I was in Calgary and it was so exciting and happy to go and be there with her. My Mom and my cousin, Delaine, came too. The temple is so beautiful and wonderful and it's just extra to be there to witness someone's first time and then even more extra because she's my sister. I'm very grateful I was there for it. I love visiting the temples of the Lord. 

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