On Saturday, I really wanted to do something fun and out of the house. We've had sick kids all taking turns for what feels like forever and just a lot of tasks to manage. We went downtown to ride the carousel and look at the lights and happily it was also the tree lighting celebration so there were booths with crafts and hot chocolate as well as live music. We browsed a toy store and watched the big evergreen get lit. It was a really fun evening, one I think we will purposefully repeat next year. I can't wait to get our tree and decorate it!

Our Thanksgiving this year was really low key. November has been a weird and hard month for us. We didn't do a lot of planning for Thanksgiving. Conor's parents came down for a quick trip to celebrate with us. The day before Thanksgiving, I made the girls our traditional turkey pancake breakfast. They love that. On Thanksgiving we did the turkey trot at our neighborhood park and we played games and made and ate a lot of food! It was an indulgent day!

IF I were ever to get a pet, it may be a pygmy goat. We recently went to meet and visit our friends' pygmy goats and they are pretty cute! Our friends also have a dog and kittens so my kids were in heaven. There's something so wholesome feeling about watching kids romp around outside and toting cats around. It feels so idyllic. So maybe we will buy property, get some goats and cats and unschool. 

We spent so much time with the Muirhead crew over the weekend, but it felt like none with Conor's parents. Conor spent a couple of mornings with them, but I saw them less. Our last morning before we hit the road, Jim made him famous and much desired french toast. Hoping to see more of those 2 soon. As we were leaving, Maeve decided to cling to her Nana and refuse us and the thought, "we could leave her here for a week and a half," actually passed through my mind. I must've still been getting over the stripping during the funeral. I quickly came back to my senses and brought my girl home with me. 

We all love to go and visit my Grandma McNeill probably because she loves us so much! My girls are always eager to spend time with her and they are so comfortable visiting. We especially like the newer rec room at the lodge. That's lots of fun! Maeve takes a minute to warm up to everyone. But oh wow, did she ever love my Grandma's sweet wheels. Maeve thought the walker was a lot of fun. 

We had a lovely visiting. Thanks so much for having us over Grandma! We can't wait until our next visit and we love you!

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