I love spending time with my parents. The kids do too! When we first got to my parents' house late at night, Maeve melted into my Dad and just wanted to snuggle. We spent time with cousins (my sister's kids and my cousin's kids) and let me tell you, my girls loved that! We had a fun little dynamic in that Maeve wanted to do everything Theia was doing and Theia wanted to do everything Holly and Greta were doing! My Mom has some really fun toys that my girls always gravitate towards when we are at their house and I often want to slip some of them into our luggage. But that's stealing so I won't. Maeve took very serious care of a baby doll all weekend. And she adores animals of all types and thinks Freya is the best even though she's so funny looking. It was great to be with the people I love!

We were in Alberta last weekend for Grandma Muirhead's funeral. She lived to the amazing age of 97! I really enjoyed attending her funeral and other services and learning more about her. She was an incredible woman and has left behind an amazing legacy of faith and love. I'm so grateful to share her surname. It was a good weekend for checking in and being reminded of what really matters in life. 

The photos I took don't really tell a great story, there's lots of holes. But the days were filled with family and a baby who removed all her clothes during the funeral service. It was intense. And so worthwhile. 

Last weekend, we were up in Alberta. We spent a night at my Granny's house. Holly and Greta loved discovering and exploring all of my grandmother's trinkets and treasures. And Maeve wanted nothing more than to be best friends with my Granny's cat, Mimi. We were up early the following morning preparing for the funeral in Lethbridge. When I was getting ready, I could hear Holly and Greta chatting relentlessly with my Granny. I was reminded that my daughters are love. If you are family, they don't hold back. The approach all of their family relationships from a place of worthiness and love. We haven't seen my Granny in a little over two years. That didn't matter. She's family and they were going to love her. 

Earlier this week, Maeve and I went for a little walk to the pond and back. Walking with a little one is a fun way to experience the world in a whole other way. This little gal has my heart. She's the apple of my eye!

Here she is practicing being moody on the park bench. Ha! I let her walk the two blocks to the pond and then I put her on my shoulders to come home. 

Maeve is so cute even when she eats her little lunch. Maeve refuses to sit in her booster seat at the table most of the time and that's just messy. She really thinks she's a big girl!

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