From everything I've sewn for my daughters, I've saved 4' squares of fabric and for one of their birthdays (I think 10th), I'm going to make them each their own quilt from all those pieces of fabrics. I think this is a good plan, but one day I realized that they would hopefully like their quilts well enough to take with them when they grow up and move out and I wanted something for myself, to remember. So over time I've collected strips of fabric and then over the course of the last two summers I sewed those scraps together and cut 10" blocks on the diagonal and then pieced them all together. Just this past week, I quilted it and bound it and now it's ready for use. I backed it with flannel. We have one other quilt backed with flannel and it's the fan favorite. I really love how this quilt turned out and it was so rewarding to pull it out of the dryer and lay it out on the floor. Both Holly and Greta were searching for and finding fabric scraps that they recognized and asking me about the ones they didn't recognized. And Maeve was copying them by pointing to fabrics herself. I bound it in fabric leftover from a dress I made for Maeve. I love this quilt! 

For our last August weekend, we went camping with friends at Round Lake Idaho. We planned this little trip way back in June and everyone has looked forward to it. There were 5 families and we had a really great time! The kids all got along great and while the weather wasn't hot, it wasn't bad. Unfortunately just a couple days before our camping trip, fires were banned from Idaho campgrounds. Totally get it, but I'm totally sick of the smoke! Regardless, we had a lovely time and... Maeve slept! Yay! If only she had done that on our Priest Lake camping trip. 

Highlights included: kiddos running wild, oohing and aahing over the fish Rob kept pulling out of the water, a little hike with a wooded fort, and jumping into the water with my bestie, Amorette. Summer, you've been so good to us!

Maeve in her fleece reminds me of Greta in hers so many years ago. 

Conor's parents came for a visit last weekend. I overlapped with them for only a day and a half because I went on my first backpacking trip (!) with girlfriends (it was amazing!). Everyone had lots of fun together while I was gone. And I snapped a few photos from when I was around. We swam in the Spokane river. It was refreshing... 

We spent a day at Lake Cocolalla with my cousin and her daughter. I love these kind of beach days! We have so much fun and it's pretty easy to get out there! We loved playing in the water, paddle boarding and riding the sea doo. I love chit chatting with Jonica and Georgia and Maeve gets loved on. Holly and Greta tasted oreos and tried to guess the flavor. They enjoyed that game lots! 

This day totally wiped Greta out (she's still recovering from having her tonsils and adenoids removed), but I think it was worth it. 

Now I'm just really hoping the smoke goes away so we can wrap up summer with oomph! 

We try to bike to church and this past Sunday wasn't the first time Maeve has fallen asleep on the bike ride home. It makes me laugh to see her head nodding below me as we cruise down Manito Boulevard. Maeve remained asleep through her diaper change and transferred easily into bed! Nursery and 11am-2pm church really knocks this girl out!

I wanted to take some pictures of Maeve in this cute new dress before we left for church but she was NOT having it! So if this is as good as it gets, that's okay, because she's so stinking cute!

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