Our local ice cream shop sells cute little baby cones and we finally made our way over there last week. Watching Maeve eat that cone was adorable! I love having a baby again with all these fun firsts to revisit! And the picture of all three of my girls, all the heart eyes. 

A pool day with a whole whack load of friends can't be anything but awesome! Maeve took a nap in the morning and was able to join us for some swimming in the afternoon. Maeve is doing so well in the water. She was swimming herself around in her puddle jumper without me touching her at all! When the puddle jumper tips her onto her back then she freaks, but overall this girl is so fearless in the water! She will jump in off the edge of the pool no problem! There was one little issue of when she almost drove herself in a little play car into the pool. It was a pretty dramatic save! I grabbed the car and the door facing the pool opened and Maeve managed to not fall in by clinging to the steering wheel! Nothing like a little excitement!

I really love swimming in a cold river on a hot day. I kind of like that shock to the body! This is such a good little spot to swim and it's deep enough to jump in. I was SO proud of my brave girl Holly for giving it a go! She jumped in once and then did it again immediately. And then went another time before we left! I also want to remember how generous and kind my children were on this day. They are great kids!

We went to Kootenay Lake a couple of times while we were in Yahk. It is such a beautiful lake and the kiddos were all pretty happy to play! Everyone enjoyed getting into the water and we had so much fun! Just look at the joy on Maeve's face as Conor tossed her! And holy moly, Conor is looking good! So glad he's mine! 

Holly spent pretty much the entire time floating around with her new peacock tube. So much fun! I'm so grateful!

PS: I can't believe how tall Holly is standing in front of me! 

We spent a lovely few days in Yahk with my parents, sisters, and some extended family. The girls just love going to Yahk and enjoying freedom and lots and lots of cousin play time! There's always lots of yummy food. Conor and I played games with family members. And Maeve actually did an excellent job of sleeping! Conor and I got to hike a little bit together. Here are some highlight photos from our time around the trailer. A million thanks to my Auntie Michele for letting us stay in her trailer. It makes our trip up so much smoother and easier. 

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