Taking deep breaths over here today... my youngest is officially three! She's as sassy as ever to me, Conor and Holly, but can be quite shy in public. She loves Frozen, her dollies, Bun-Buns, Sleeping Beauty, collecting toys in all sorts of different bags and then hauling them everywhere with her, dresses, skirts, nightgowns, ballet flats, hummus...

Greta continues to be a beautiful challenge for me. She's a wonderful, forgiving girl and she's forever loyal to our little family. Greta is an absolute joy and a blessing and has been from the day she was born. I am so grateful she's my daughter! Happy birthday to my darling Greta Elizabeth.

In January, our little family headed north to Victoria, BC to visit Conor's brother's family. Conor's parents, his siblings and all the cousins were there too! We were there to celebrate Noah's baptism and Dylan's mission call (Toronto!). It was a really short trip, so I only have a few posts to put up. The first is of our ferry ride. It was a fantastic break to be traveling, but not sitting in a car! It was a bit of a treat too! Below are some photos of the to and from ferry rides. More to come next weekish....

January was a very productive sewing month for me despite travel. I finished up one quilt top for my dear friend's beautiful baby girl and I made a second quilt start to finish for our next door neighbors and their new bundle. For the first one, I used Heather Ross Briar Rose fabric (the same stuff I used for the girls' quilts), and for the second quilt, I used some free spirit fabric that I had around. I've made 4 quilts (I think) from that one half yard bundle purchase. Babies are so wonderful and it's nice to help celebrate.

Yesterday, we went on a family walk/hike slightly north of Santa Cruz at Wilder Historic Ranch. The area is a wildlife preserve which in turn means we saw a lot of wildlife, mostly birds. The path was a loop and most of it was along the coast with beautiful cliffs. We saw a whole group of seals catching the last of the day's sunshine and some slipping into the ocean. We always talk about being outside more frequently and going on more walks/hikes, but our follow through isn't amazing. However, every time we have a success, I want more! We live in such a beautiful part of this earth.

In my last bunny post, I posted a picture of the tear on Bun-Buns' nose. The poor guy had been stroked and loved so much he first lost all his fur, and then the webbing wore straight through. I felt so sad sewing a patch onto him, but was very relieved to see that Greta loves him all the same. Now she strokes him above the patch! Any bets when the next patch is going to have to go on?

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