All my brown-eyed boy wanted for his birthday was a big, red fire truck. He was thrilled and so were his siblings. What a joy Enoch is. I just love when he sits on my lap to read a book and his little ear is against my cheek. Every time he calls me, "mom," my heart catches. I love being his mother.

We celebrated his birthday with lots of things! Waffles for breakfast, treats for his class, lunch in a train car with grandpa and finally cake with friends. What a guy!

Our dog is one year old! He's still a little nuts, but a lot less so now than he was. We really enjoy having a dog. Enoch and Sonny have an especially adorable relationship. Enoch can do pretty much anything to Sonny and Sonny doesn't mind. It's kind of weird. If Ira pesters Sonny, Sonny does not like it. Enoch and Ira definitely have different intentions with the dog - haha. Enoch likes to snuggle up to Sonny ie: lay on him, and it's adorable. So all in all, having Sonny is net positive.

One morning, Maeve looked so cute bopping around and getting ready for school.

The addiction is real.

Greta continues to put in the work for snuggles with Ira. It's cute that these two are the last ones to go to school in the morning.

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