Some snaps of our winter break cookie factory. The girls prefer Swedish Gingerbread Cookies over Sugar Cookies (that's my girls!), but Conor loves sugar cookies so... both! We (I) had lots of fun making and baking and then delivering.

Sledding with my girls at the local hill while the babies nap. This year, Maeve can walk herself and a sled back up the hill! This feels like a huge milestone. Last year, I had to help her back up the hill and my pregnant body had a problem with that. And bonus, Maeve thinks sledding is really fun.

Ira wants to pull himself up to kneeling all the time these days! His favorite is when I'm sitting on the floor and he can pull himself up to kneeling on my legs. And, he can pull himself up to standing too! I'm so proud of him and I want to push him over all at the same time. He's growing up too fast and not fast enough.

Oh this little guy, walking around with a doll and a doll bottle! What a Dad he'll be one day!

Finally! Maeve wore her birthday dress! I think it's adorable and I think she likes it too.

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