Good news! Conor's parents were able to join us for Thanksgiving! This is a really fun tradition we've established over the last few years and we were so happy to revive it. Two years have past since the last time Catherine and Jim were in our home. We went to the local Turkey Trot and ate a delicious dinner. Seriously, so yummy! Conor cooked the turkey on the Traeger.

Here are Conor and his dad, Jim, playing the longest game of chess ever. What do all these men/baby have in common? Their middle names are the first name of their fathers.

Some of our friends have a farm with all sorts of animals - llamas and goats included. And they breed dogs so we went over one afternoon and snuggled puppies! There were two litters - 4 weeks old and 7 weeks. Oh my goodness! The puppies are so cute and the dogs they grow up to be are really pretty too. The kids all loved loving on the puppies.

All of my babies have worn this winter toque! It's so nostalgic and adorable. And this guy wears it well.

Conor is officially 37 years old! We loved celebrating him! I gave Conor an heirloom chess board for his birthday and then I beat him at his own game. I also arranged a chess tournament of sorts. Friends came over to play 30 minute games with Conor so he got in around 9 or so games of chess. It was nerdy and wonderful.

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