Tummy time. A frequent happening in our house. For some mysterious reason, tummy time gathers my daughters together. Maeve becomes a baby and rolls around on the blanket too. And my big girls cheer and coo to the baby, praising her endlessly. It's moments like these that affirm to me that we're in the right spot on our life journey.

I started some sewing projects at the end of Christmas break when I had a little extra time and then slowly finished one of the projects earlier this week. A quilt for my sweet baby. I wanted something bright, colorful and simple. I'm really happy with how it turned out! I backed it with minky fabric so it's extra soft and cuddly. I love giving her this piece of me.

Our Maeve packs a punch with all her personality. Her newest thing is wearing her jeans and telling everyone that she has pockets on her booty! Love my Maeve shake!

My baby girls!

We took my parents to see the Science Museum and check out the Pavilion. I love Spokane's Pavilion with all its lights. Spokane doesn't suck!

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