Greta has graduated from Nursery at church. She is officially a sunbeam and I think she's going to love it! Although she does miss her "girlfriends" who are a year younger than her and are therefore remaining in nursery. I couldn't resist snapping some photos Sunday morning before we went to church, even if it meant we were a little bit late. Greta is so special to me. She's a treasure.

I made only a few Christmas gifts this year: a backpack for my nephew, Hudson Pants for two of my sister-in-laws, the dolls for the girls, American Girl doll dress for my nieces, and a quilt for my in-laws.

I love this quilt! It turned out better than I wanted it to. It's so cheerful and bright and happy. I used a Pow-Wow quilt pattern. I used the corners to make the baby quilt for the school auction. My girls look so cute wrapped up in it, in my opinion.

Conor and I have talked about visiting the Cable Car Museum for a while. We finally did after Christmas. It was such an interesting place - really cool! Not super fancy (it's free), but it's the hub of the cable cars so we could see the wheels and how everything works. We also drove down Lombard Street. It was really steep!

For Holly, I helped Greta stamp polka dots on a skirt and then Greta helped me sew the elastic waist and the hem. It was so cute to see my girls exchange gifts. Holly has worn the skirt Holly made for her a lot - almost every day since Christmas. She really loves it! If I have the energy for handmade gifts between girls next year, I'm totally doing it!

Whenever we stay at our home base for Christmas, I always miss family. However, I love that we don't have anywhere to be. I love that we can take our time and open gifts at whatever pace we choose and just savor the moment. It's easier to do when I'm not thinking about where we need to be next. That being said, this balance of staying home sometimes and going to Canada other times is working for me. I always am so excited to go up and I can't wait for our next Canadian Christmas. I look forward to both ways!

We took our sweet time on Christmas morning. I made Baked Oatmeal for breakfast and I can't wait to make it again - it was delicious! We played with toys as we opened them... facetimed with family, ate lots of treats (that's all Greta ate!) and just hung out. I'm not sure that there was anything that stood out all too much from this Christmas, but it was a relaxing, easy day that we truly spent together. And that was a gift in and of itself.

Extra bonus, the girls liked the dolls I made them! Holly thanked me over and over again and has proudly shown the doll to everyone possible. And if she hasn't had her doll to show, she's told people all about it! Makes my heart swell.

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